Monday, August 5, 2024


Hogs Trip 2024

This year we are heading to the Ozarks in Missouri and Arkansas. We plan to ride at least 3,800 miles (6115 kilometers.)

Sorry for the delay in writing. It has been some hard riding over the last few days so I didn’t get started on the blog right away so today I’m up early and decided to start writing.

Day 1 Wednesday 7-31-24. Home to Youngstown Ohio. 419 miles (674 kilometers)

An early morning start with Bobby to meet the three Buffalo boys by 12:30pm for lunch. All highway at about 70mph (113 Kilometers  per hour) Originally in our first few rides thirteen years ago there were four or five riders from Syracuse and now there are only two of us. One moved to Florida and one to Florida and now Denver.  On the way to Ohio we hit a little rain but just enough to soak the books and jeans, There are now three riders from Buffalo.

Day 2 – Thursday 8-1-24. Youngstown Ohio to Coshocton Ohio – 301 miles (484 kilometers)

The boys wanted to visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton Ohio so they set off at 8:30am. I decided to wait at the hotel for an hour and then join them once they were done. The morning was very hot and I set out to find where they had parked. Finally I found out they had taken the shuttle bus from about a mile or two from the museum, They were then dropped off at a quarter mile from the entrance. I tried to enter the parking lot but they said I had to pay the thirty dollars fee even if it was just to find the exit. I parked at the entrance under the shade and waited an hour or so until the gang returned. It was very hot and humid. I wear my leather coat and full face helmet for safety. It keeps the sun off me and both are ventilated but still hot.

Day 3 – Friday 8-2-24. Coshocton Ohio to Evansville Indiana – 318 miles (512 kilometers)

Today the boys wanted to do a distillery tour after lunch in Louisville KY. We parked in a seedy car park under a highway underpass, had lunch and then I headed to the hotel early. For 120 miles. Some rain showers and heavy rain for twenty minutes. The boys arrived several hours later. Dillie with the only Honda in the grouppicked up a screw in his rear tire and had to get it repaired with a new tube. Of coursDay 4 – Saturday 8-3-24-. Evansville Indiana to  Osage Beach MO 374 miles (602 kilometers)

After a very warm ride we arrived at what we thought was the “resort”. Turns out we had the wrong address and had to back track six miles to the night’s accommodation. Apparently it is a very popular place for hen’s nights and young people. It had a huge pool with swim up bars. The restaurant was huge and very, very noisy.

So called Resort. Very ordinary.

Dinner at the resort, The noisiest restaurant in the world with hundreds of diners.

Day 5 – Sunday 8-4-24-. Osage Beach MO to Clarksville Arkansas 266 miles (428 kilometers)

Great day of riding with highway at mostly a 70 mph speed limit (113 Kilometers per hour) half the day we rode through the Ozarks on nice windy roads in beautiful country side.

Day 6 – Monday 8-5-24-. Clarksville Arkansas nil miles (nil kilometers)

Interesting morning. I awoke at five am and a building contractor for the hotel said they had to repair the roof in the front of the hotel where all our bikes were parked. I explained that my fellow riders would not be up until eight but he then explained that the scissor lift had to be located nearest to the front door and the bike would have to move. Guess which bike was there. Yes mine. Easily done and all the other bikes were safe.

The boys today were riding 320 miles round trip (515 kilometers) to see some caves and then return to Clarksville. I have decided to stay at the hotel today and have a rest to do some laundry and write the blog, On previous trips we have had a day off in the middle to rest but this trip is very well planned but full. J Dog (official nickname) is organizing and leading the team.

Great to see Dudly.

As it turned out the boys did not do the cave as they did not have enough time. They rode what Bobby thought was the best ride that he had ever been on. They all were very hot when they returned and I still think I made the best decision staying cool.

Fancy rest stop. Hard to find shade.

Day 7 – Tuesday 8-6-24-. Clarksville Arkansas to Southhaven Mississippi (near Memphis Tennessee 274 miles)

This morning Dudley decided to ride home to Denver instead of riding east for the day. He was expected to ride the 800 odd miles in two days but he got there in one day! 

For the rest of us it was a very hot ride with lots of adventures. J Dog is the leader of the group this trip and has been very thorough with planning. He does a great job mapping out rides that have less freeways and four lanes and taking two lane roads that are more interesting.

One of our riders is called “Rage” and he received the nickname from throwing a tantrum about not eating soon enough several years ago. I thought the name was unfair as he is a lovely chap with not an indication that he had a temper. In fact I thought we should rename him as “walnut” because he would pee more often than anyone else on the rides. Apparently he told us that the doctor said his bladder was the size of a walnut. Today changed that. The first twenty or thirty miles today was spend traveling on small roads as J Dog was trying to keep to backroads rather than the freeway. At our first pit stop Rage flew into a rage at J Dog because Rage thought we were going to take the freeway to cover more miles. He later apologized but it solidified his nickname.

There has always been a rivalry between the Harleys and the Hondas on the trips. The Harleys are very American and unfortunately do not have the best reputation for reliability whereas the Honda are probably more refined. So far the Harleys have generally had an issue on every trip and required us to visit a local dealer for repairs. So far the Harleys have had a motor blow up, two new batteries, a relay, broken gear lever and a bolt for the drink holder. The Honda have had only one issue with the bike stopping in the rain and one screw in the tire. One Honda did fall over and had to get a new rear-view mirror but that did not stop it running. The screw in the tire and could have been an issue with any bike.

It has been a running joke for years that I was not a full member of “the Wild Hogs” The name of the group and was taken from the movie about a very urban group of riders who through away their cell phones and hit the trail to prove they were tough. It stared John Travolta, Tim Alan etc.

It was understood that I was only a probationary until the founding fathers voted me into the group. Each year they told me that it was a close vote but I would have to wait another year.

This year only two of the four founding fathers were on the trip. Mike moved to Florida and joined us for a couple of trips and he rode North to join us. He recently sold his bike and traded it in on a pontoon boat. .I think he did not like riding it around Florida as it is very flat and boring. Deak (who is a Deakin) stayed home this year for a family occasion. Dudley (one of the characters in the movie) rode in from Denver on his BMW bike,

The big news is they voted me into the group. As Bobby explained it was one vote for yes and one for no so they tossed a coin and Bobby lost. I was presented with an official Hogs patch to sew on my leather coat.  I asked what special options I get with full membership. The answer was nil. Asked if I could book future accommodation or special restaurants that answer was definitely no. Not after that famous trip to Novas Scotia where supposedly the days were cold and wet and the accommodation was seen as very basic. In fact there was were only two half days of rain and the accommodation was the best available. Well almost. Also it wasn’t that cool and certainly a lot better than ninety five degrees.

We like to park undercover near the entrance.

 Day 8 – Tuesday 8-7-24-. Southaven Mississippi (near Memphis Tennessee to Bowling Green Kentucky- 312 miles (502 kilometers.)

A lot cooler today with cloud cover all day. Mostly highway, plenty of trucks but easy going. We had to stop for a bolt for one of the boys and the other three went to the Corvette museum. Tomorrow we expect rain part of the way so fingers crossed we stay dry. Having wet boots is the worst part of rain as they take days to dry.

Day 9 – 8-8-24-. Bowling Green Kentucky to Portsmouth Ohio- 288 miles (464 kilometers.)

Last night I heard a strange noise emanating from the front of my bike and I was worried that it could be the front wheel bush. If this was the case it could have been dangerous so this morning I went to the local Harley dealer to have it checked. The boys wanted to wait either at the Harley place or te hotel. I suggested they ride on time and I would join them once it was either diagnosed and was good to drive or repair it. I was there from 8am so I was first in line for service. I convinced the guys to ride and said I would either meet them for lunch or at the hotel.

The service manager inspected the bike and said it was not the front wheel bush and was possibly the brake pad. Once I had the all clear I headed off to join the boys for lunch. The highway was not that busy and I ended up catching them five minutes after they sat down. A very warm welcome was my reward.

The rest of the day was spent riding through Kentucky with it beautiful horse farms. I have ridden a few times through the area and it really is special.

We arrive in Portsmouth and the place seemed deserted but it had some very old buildings that hopefully restored. The boys are smoking cigars and drinking bourbon whilst I type this blog.

Another dead bottle!

Day 10 – 8-9-24-. Portsmouth Ohio to Greensburg Pennsylvania - 300 miles (483 kilometers.)

No breakdowns and no parts needed today. An easy day with good weather that became hotter during the day. Nice local roads in the morning and crazy highway in the afternoon. Many big trucks overtaking us at seventy five miles per hour. Tonight we are not in walking distance to a restaurant so we ordered take away Italian. 

Relaxing after a hard days ride.

Day 11 – 8-10-24-. Greensburg Pennsylvania - 383 miles (615 kilometers.)

The last day. The group rode the first sixty miles together and then Buffalo boys headed off North to home and Bobby and myself went east to home. It was mostly fast freeways some city roads. We arrived home around 6pm. The morning was cool and the afternoon hot. It is amazing how easy it is to ride with just two riders.

Often on the trips we ask people which bike is the best looking. Normally they choose mine because it is the best looking. Disputes always happen about the quality of the selected judge. If I do not win I ascertain the judge is drunk, on medication, drugs, or all three. Yesterday we were in Kentucky and a old guy on a new white bike pulled into the gas station and I asked him to judge thinking the result would be favorable for a fellow white bike owner. He chose Bobby's bike. On this trip three other people judged his bike the best but did Bobby mention it? Every time he could he raised four fingers and smiled. Some riders are cruel.

Bobby wanted a photo of the best looking bike.

My Garmin GPS has been a faithful companion on all my riding over the last fifteen years (601 days) but it finally is dying. It has been going on and off over the last few days. Today it would not start but after lunch it was working perfectly. 


Buffalo Boys - 11 days riding 3,126 miles. Average per day 284
Dudley- Denver - 5 days riding 2,061 miles. Average per day 412
Bobby - 11 days riding 3,424 miles. Average 311 miles per day.
Tug - 10 days riding 3,234 miles. Average 323 per day.

17 fuel stops
Total US gallons 73.83
Average miles per US gallon 43.8 mpg
Total cost of fuel $317.67
Average cost per gallon $4.32
Highest price per gallon $4.70 Madison IN
Lowest price per gallon $3.82 (possibly 91 not 93)

Thursday, March 16, 2023


2023 Michigan here we come.

Day 1.

Friday. 4th August 2023

Started the day at 6am packing the bike and checking everything worked. Met up with Bobby on the freeway near his home. It was raining so I put on the wet weather gear and prepared for a miserable ride at 74 miles per hour (120kmh) Luckily it cleared and the next two hundred miles went quickly. We had lunch in Fredonia, NY just west of Buffalo with our other four riders from the local area.  (Deak, Dilli, Rage and J Dog. – nicknames are used to protect the innocent.)

We then rode towards Cleveland, Ohio and switched to local roads with thousands of traffic lights and numerous changes of speed limits. (yes - I have been told not to exaggerate a million times.)

Arrived in Cleveland after 364 miles (586Km) at around 6pm. Very humid. Two gas (petrol) stops on the way. Parking turned out to be an issue. Supposedly there was only valet parking but we are certain that the valets could not ride so we parked the bikes ourselves. The valet gave us a hard time but all was sorted the next day. Dinner was at a very nice sports bar with the normal conversations about previous trips. i.e. riding north towards snow, polar bears etc

Day 2.

Saturday. 5th August 2023

We all had a good sleep-in because the boys (except for myself ) went to the Rock and Roll hall of fame. I had to write up the blog and enter my bike data. Today we rode just 179 miles (288 Km) to Ann Arbor Michigan. 

The drama of the day was getting our bikes out of the parking garage. We parked there yesterday and the attendant told us motorbikes were not allowed but she let us stay. She said the valet parker at the hotel would let us in to the garage today as they were closed on the weekend. The valet guy said he would not do it but we talked the hotel manager into making him comply. Well, we got into the parking garage but could not get out! The exit machine was not working properly but we finally got out five of the six bikes but Bobby was stuck. The valet guy wanted to get out with a car behind him but he would not swipe his pass key to let Bobby out. He even threatened Bobby with the cops. Bobby had to slip him fifty dollars and then we were all free.

The day had nice rides with generally nice roads, We had a very nice dinner at a restaurant next to the hotel. A few years ago Mike W left his gas cap at a gas (petrol) station and he quickly realized his mistake and quickly had another rider recovered it. Yes - he was given grief about his loss. Today, the infallible Bobby left his gas cap but did not realize the error until a long while after leaving the station. Today we have to find a Harley dealer to buy a new gas cap. (His Harley has a gas cap and a lid so it is easy to close the lid without the cap.)

Quote: One of us was asking who had packed their hand guns. There were a few and one rider said he only had his hunting knife. The quote was "Great. We will shoot them and then you can gut them"

Day 3.

Sunday. 6th August 2023

We awoke to heavy rain and a coolish day. We rode 343 miles (552km) and it rained for 6 hours and only the last two were dry. Everything is wet. The boots, sox, jeans and shirt. Michigan drivers are very good by merging easily and staying back behind the pack. Down south they push in when they can and ride close behind until they are warned by a very handsome guy on the best looking bike. 

We were at a gas station and this woman came over to admire the bikes. When asked what bike she liked the best she gave all the bikes name. The blue boy, the spider etc. Mine was the Duke because it is so "traditional" She did not really pick a winner but Bobby claimed the victory. She was very animated compared to her sedate partner. He was local and she was originally from Panama or Ecuador. 

Dinner was at yet another sports bar that was within walking distance from the hotel. Mackinaw City is the southside of the famous Mackinaw bridge and we will cross it tomorrow. Yes the the different spelling is correct. There is an island call Mackinaw and the town wanted a different spelling to differentiate it from the island. The town is a ferry port and there are lots and lots of tourists.

Day 4.

Monday. 7th August 2023

What a great day - very sunny and rode 277 miles (446 Km) We started off crossing the Mackinac Bridge and back. The bridge that was opened in 1950 and is the fifth longest suspension bridge in the world at five miles long. It connects the upper and lower peninsular of the U.S. state of Michigan. It spans the straights of Mackinac, a body of water connecting lake Michigan and Lake Huron. The bridge has four lanes. Two are concrete and two are mainly metal grids. Bikes do not like metal grids and heaven help it if you have to use your brakes. Unfortunately the cement lane on the return crossing were mainly closed for construction and we had to ride on the metal grid. 

We then rode down the West Coast of Michigan and rode the famous "road of trees" which is a narrow tree tunneled road for twenty miles. (see the photograph way down in the introduction.) Beautiful houses on one side and below the cliffs to views of Lake Michigan on the other. The rest of the day we had a great mixture of fast highways and country roads,

We have arrived tonight in Muskegon and tomorrow we take a two and a half ferry ride over to Milwaukee, Illinoi where the Harley Museum is located. 

Yesterday I wrote that Bobby had lost his gas cap. Well - we called into the local Harley dealer and purchased a new cap. All is well with the world.

Day 5.

Tuesday. 8th August 2023

The shortest day riding ever. 8 miles. (13Km) The jet boat ferry from Muskegon, Michigan to Milwaukee Wisconsin, takes two and a half hours and is 80 miles (129Km) wide. The lake today was calm but apparently the week before there were seven foot waves and everyone on the boat was sick. All our bikes were tied down so they would not move and as we were about to leave, I was paged and told that one bike need to be properly secured. I thought I had done a good job and I had even practiced the tie-down before I left home. Bobby joined me and we went below deck. The deck hand mentioned a red bike so I was confused. As it turned out all six bikes were registered in my name and it was Bobby's bike that needed an extra tie down. A slightly red face was seen.

It is a pity you cannot see the best looking bike!

One of the ship's crew was very friendly by explaining docking procedures, explaining the charting and telling stories on past trips. We arrived in Milwaukee and rode a few miles to the Harley Museum and stayed at a hotel nearby we have stayed at a few years ago called The Iron Horse. The dinner in the hotel was the worst food I have had in years. Apparently the head chef was not working. An ice cream at a nearby at a street stall was perfect.

The boys relaxing with a cigar before the museum visit. A tough life for some.

Special parking area just for bikes at the hotel.

Long ride tomorrow with a big chance of rain.

Day 6.

Wednesday. 9th August 2023

Wisconsen to Champaign. 289 miles (465Km) Wet most of the way. Miles and miles of corn and Soybean. Very flat countryside. As I said, the drivers in Michigan were very polite. In Illinois they are not as good. Arrived at the hotel with wet jeans and wet boots. Did a load of clothes to mainly dry them out. Dinner was pizza and we ordered twice as much as we needed to make sure there was enough. The staff were treated to their own party!

Day 7.

Thursday. 10th August 2023

Champagne Il To Dayton OH 249 miles (401Km). A day of highway. The speed limit was mostly 70 mph (113 km/h) but we reached speeds of 90mph (145km.h) when overtaking. Lots of trucks compared to up north. Lots of time one truck will try and overtake another and they drive neck and neck and hold up a lot of traffic. The area was very flat with a lot more buildings and smaller towns. We visited Indianapolis Speedway in Indiana with a visit to the museum which was in the middle of the track. We also rode a trolly car for one lap and stopped at the start/finish line where they have a small slip of the original brick track. Apparently it has been a tradition that the winner always kisses the bricks at the end of the race. I bent over whilst the other five kneeling to pretended to kiss the bricks.

The start finish line at the Speedway. Tough looking guys.

The kissing photo. One rider just bent over.

Day 8.

Friday. 11th August 2023

Dayton Ohio to Greensburg, Pennsylvania. 235 miles (378 Km) The last sleep. All the hotels have been middle of the road hotels and have been much the same. After each ride the boys would hang out in an area with chairs at night to smoke cigars and drink bourbon whiskey. Yours truly would normally be the first to retire as I tend to wake up early to update the bike data and write the blog. I'm sharing a room with Deak as I have done for a number of years. Today's ride was a mixture of highway and local roads with speed limits around 65mph (105kph). On the highways the three lanes had cars and trucks coming up the righthand side at 70mph (112kph) and the left lane closer to 80mph (129kph). Often big trucks would overtake other trucks and the run head and head for miles because they could not increase their speed. We would overtake them but on a down hill stretch they would overtakeus  again. We had only one incident where an idiot dived into our group, then pulled out and did it again and then took off at 80 mph (129kph) or 90mph. (145kph)

Dinner tonight was down a steep hill from the hotel. The hotel manager drove us down and picked us up from a very ordinary Chinese dinner.

Dinner somewhere. They tend to all be very similar. Mostly happy faces.

Day 9.

Saturday. 12th August 2023

Greensburg, Pennsylvania to Home. 408 miles (657 kl). A long ride for just two of us. The four Buffalo boys left early and arrived home around lunchtime. Bobby and myself arrive around five pm. Mainly highway with light traffic. It was supposed to rain all day but no rain at all.

Total miles = 2,437miles (3,922 Kl)

Original estimate = 2,175 miles (3,500Kl) Did not include searching for hotels or the ferry day (8 miles)

8 days riding at an average of 305 miles (491 kl) per day

16 fill ups. 57.09 US gallons (216 litres) Average mpg 42.7 Cost = 11 cents per mile

Total gas cost $265.56 Average cost per US gallon $4.655

Gas (petrol) ranged from US$4.26 up to US $5.00 per US gallon

2023 Wild Hogs trip has been announced!

This year we are once again heading North (ish) this year. We are off to Michigan and Illinois on August 4th for nine days. It has been mentioned by one of the group, who likes warmer weather, that we are going further north on this trip than we were on our Nova Scotia trip in 2014. In fact, Prince Edward Island is 46.25 degrees north latitude and Mackinac Island at the very top of Michigan and our planned most northerly point is just 45.85 degrees.

This time we have had very little discussion this time on polar bears, snow tires etc. compared to Nova Scotia but if we get any rain there will be lots of bitching. I believe that we have had more rain on our southerly rides than we had heading north!

There was a thought that we should shortcut through Canada but there was a concern that one of the Wild Hogs would not be able to travel through Canada because of a minor driving infraction a few years ago.

This year’s trip will be around 2,190 miles (3,524 kilometers) with a daily average of riding of averaging 274 miles (441 kilometers) per day.  Below is the summary of our previous trips for comparison and also my two solo trips that I have ridden  without the Wild Hogs group.

Once again the Buffalo boys in the group get a break of two half days less than the Syracuse boys who have to ride the extra 168 miles (270 Km) both ways and spend a total of five hours of riding. Luckily the Syracuse riders are great riders for the long haul.

The trip plan for this year.

2023 Wild Hog’s trip Part 1 and end with a ferry ride across Lake Michigan.

2023 Wild Hog’s Trip Part 2

Bike Preparation

This year my bike has had the front forks fully serviced and upgraded as well as a new brake light, new spotlights and indicators. Also a full service and new tires. (tyres.) I had a small crack in the plastic lens on the old brake light and could not get a replacement so the whole unit had to be replaced. My rear tire lasted approximately 7,418 miles (11,938 Km) and the front tire lasted 18,407 miles (29,623Km) . There was still a lot of miles left on both tires but it is better to be safe than sorry. When I ride around near home I only ride when it is dry but on these longer trips there is a good chance of rain. (particularly when we ride south.) My father always said “just worry about brakes and tires. The rest does not matter.”

At the most northerly part of the trip we reach the famous Mackinaw bridge. We might cross the bridge and back depending on weather because if there is any wind it tends to be difficult. Also the top part of the bridge has metal grid on two of the four lanes which is a little scary and insane if it rains. The length of the bridge's main span is 3,800 feet (1,158 m), which makes it the third-longest suspension span in the United States and 27th longest suspension span worldwide. It is also one of the world's longest bridges overall.

On the North West side of Michigan there is the well known road called the “The Tunnel of Trees” The ride is twenty miles long (32 Km) and is considered a must ride on many motorbike web sites.


We plan to take the ferry between Muskegon Michigan and Milwaukee Illinois on the Lake Express that covers the 85 miles (137Km) in two and a half hours.

In Milwaukee Illinois we will visit the Harley museum. A number of the Wild Hogs have been there before and we are sure the Honda riders will also find it fascinating. I don’t think the Honda riders are allowed to park near the Harley museum but we can always give them a lift. 

Accommodation for the night is next door at the Iron Horse hotel where we have stayed before in 2011. Its relatively expensive but the parking lot has special covered spots for motorbikes with wash stations, cleaning cloths etc. The hotel rooms have special boot storage and helmet racks.

I have already started the quote pages.

As always these quotes are reasonably accurate to a large degree and corrections are happily accepted but totally ignored.

Tug to the Hogs: My daughter became engaged last night. When I asked when she was getting married she said it would be in August. I said "have a great time. I will be riding with the Wild Hogs and you know how much they love having me on the ride. "

Tug to Dilli “Dilli’s wife is the official Hog's advisor on all things including proper and ethical use of Honda tape, brake repairs on a Ducati, battery replacement and UHaul discount rates.”

Tug to Hogs: “You will note from the itinerary that Bobby has planned a ferry trip this year and you will have to tie your bike down during the cruise. Bobby will be giving lessons on how to ties down before we go, after all Bobby has had more experience with tie downs than any other Hog - Counting three times at least (Nova Scotia, Arizona or some other state nearby for a replacement relay and of course the famous Ducati haul.)”

Trips over the years


Competition with big prizes – Who said these quotes you definitely don’t hear on a Hogs trip.

“Keep riding. I don’t need to pee for at least another hundred miles” ………………

“Can we stop at Waffle King for both lunch and dinner” ………………………………

“Yes. I can fix your brakes. I have had a lot of experience” ……………………….

“Yes Tug, you can book the accommodation for the next trip” …………………………

“That joke was very funny Tug” ………………………………..

“Let’s eat here even though they don’t serve Bud Light” (Looking at Waffle King) ……………….

“My wife will solve that mechanical issue” ……………..

“Lets go via ?????? (zip line, waterfall, gorilla on the pole, large cow, chicken etc.).  on this trip”……………..

“Let me show you how to put down the kick stand and avoid my father hitting me” ………………

“Naturally I have the telephone number for the VIP UHaul customers only on speed dial but I won’t need to use it this trip” …………………..

“No - I don’t need to buy a new expensive battery for at least another hundred miles” ………………….

“I don’t need a new jacket - I have enough jackets at home already” …………………………

“I still don’t have enough Honda tape for the next trip” …………………………….

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

 Hogs Trip 2022

Yet another trip south.

I have been riding with this group since 2009 and this year will be my thirteenth trip with then.

Six to eight riders. Approx five with Harleys and two with Hondas.

 Already we have had two of the regular riders cancel out. Dudley and the Kid.

Here is the current plan.

Day 1: 5th August: Syracuse New York to State College Pennsylvania

Day 2: 6th August: Luray, Virginia – 235 miles (378 kilometers)

Day 3: 7th August: Galax, Virginia - 237 (381 kilometers)

Day 4: 8th August: Gatlinburg, Tennessee - 315 (507 kilometers)

Day 5: 9th August: Gatlinburg, Tennessee - 200 (322 kilometers)

Day 6: 10th August: Campton, Kentucky - 200 (322 kilometers)

Day 7: 11th August: Clarksburg, West Virginia - 278 (447 kilometers)

Day 8: 12th August: Mansfield, Pennsylvania - 322 (518 kilometers)

Day 9:  8th 13th August: Home, Syracuse, New York - 127 (204 kilometers)

Total estimated miles: 2,039 (3,282 kilometers)

Appalachian Mountain chain. Great Smokey Mountains National Park North Carolina, Tennessee. Blue Ridge Mountains.

We also plan to run the zip line at Red River Gorge in Kentucky which has five lines ranging from 400 ft to over 1,900 feet in length.

Day 1. Friday 8/5/22 287miles from home to State College Pennsylvania. Home to The well known Penn State University. 98,783 students.

The day started off well with at 8am with a short forty minute ride to Auburn NY to meet Bobby. A cup of coffee and we started our bikes. Well at least mine did. Bobby’s battery was dead. He has had several batteries in the last few years which is more than normal. Whilst Bobby took apart his bike ready to fit a new battery, I rode to fetch him a new one up the road. After some time of fiddling around it started and we rode to a Harley dealer fifty miles away to have his bike checked over. The thought was it was an issue with his alternator but after an hour it all checked out and we headed off. We were supposed to meet the other four riders in our group from Buffalo NY for lunch but headed straight to our destination. Wet weather gear was donned and we rode through several storms and finally reached State College about six o’clock. The bad news was that Bobby’s engine light came on just as we entered town so it will be another drama in the morning to find out what has caused it.

 We had a great dinner and I was starving seeing as I had no food for the entire day due to delays. I set up the waitress to ask “Mr UHaul” what bobby’s order was at dinner. Regular readers will recall that Bobby on one trip blew his engine and had to rent a UHaul to get home. It’s a regular line and never gets tired. (except to him) He told the waitress that he was paying the bill and her tip was now zero. Very funny. But you had to be there.

Day two. Saturday 6th August 2022

233 miles to From State College to Big Meadows Lodge, Shenandoah National Park. Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains. 

Not a lot to report. Rain for the last hour of the ride and very hot and humid the rest of the way. Skyline Drive is over a hundred miles long from the start of the park to the end. Skyline drive runs right through the national forest and the Big Meadows lodge is right in the middle. The lodge is fifty miles into the park. The road is amazing. A winding, beautiful two-lane road with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour. There is lots of pull offs for views. The park and lodge were built in the 1930s. Very old world with cabin type accommodation with plumbing that hardly worked. 

Day three. Sunday 7th August 2022

276 miles to Big Meadows to Galax Virginia. 

I awoke at 6am to find three deer standing out the door. I walked past them and they didn't even move. There also was a skunk but luckily it ran off. We started at the crack of noon once again. 

We finished most of Skyline drive and then road some back roads and small highways. My bike managed 43 miles per gallon today. My average is around 40 so I was pleased. Gas is cheaper here. Premium at home is $5.50 per American gallon and today I paid $4.74.

Great ride with no rain. Bloody hot and humid but no rain. One of the guys said it was ninety two degrees. The last hour was under cloud cover and very high so it was a nice time. 

No break downs and no visits to the Harley dealers for repairs. Who could ask for anything more.

Several years ago we stopped at exactly the same location. One of the guys said "Look. Tugs accommodation for the trip". He was referring to some of the lower value accommodation I booked for our Nova Scotia.  The building still stands but in even worse repair,

Day four. Monday 8th August 2022

282 miles Galax Virginia to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 

We left early. 9am. It might not seem early to everyone, well anyone, but for this group it was early. Mainly highway miles with the last sixty miles on the smokey mountains parkway. A little bit of rain but just enough to get wet. Whilst were at lunch it poured but by the time we finished it had stopped. We put on our wet weather gear on and it was hot and humid like a steam bath but after little bit of rain we cooled down.

We met an old time Hog, Mike Wilson in Gatlinburg. He had ridden up from Jacksonville Florida. Mike had not ridden with us for five years and was even thinking of selling his bike which he had not ridden for a year. Mike who lived in Syracuse and was a neighbor up the street from where we lived is the one who got me interested in riding again and put most of the chrome on my bike.

A simple dinner with the waitress asking "Mr UHaul" what he wanted for dinner. I still think its funny. Deep down I think he appreciates the attention. 

In between drinks I did my washing because some of the clothes were wet and its nice to get things done. I had woken at 4am and decided not to go back to bed and wake my roommate so it was a long day. 

Sitting around. We watched a black bear down the hill open a truck door and climb in to search for food. After a rumage he left and he did not close the door.

Day Five. Tuesday 9th August 2022

43 miles around Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

We awoke to the prospect of rain in the afternoon so it was agreed we would have a short ride up north for twenty odd miles to a famous gun store called Buds in Sevierville Tennessee. It was huge with thousands of guns and loads of ammunition. The photos do not do it justice.

Up the road was a huge knife shop called Knife works so up we treckked. Thousands of every type of knife and more.


We returned to the hotel and naturally it did not rain all afternoon except for a sprinkle but we had a nice lunch and relaxed. At night we went to a restaurant downtown by bus and Ubered home..

After dinner we sat outside and all of a sudden a mother bear and three cubs raced across the lawn next to us. They were travelling pretty fast so one of the guys shot this quick picture to prove we were not lying. After four days riding it was nice to relax a little. We stayed in the hotel for two days so it was nice not having to pack and unpack.

Day Six. Wednesday 10th August 2022

219 miles to Gatlinburg Tennessee to Campton, Kentucky.

Up early at 5am. I'm an early bird. I wake up and I should go back to sleep but I find the first few hours of the day great. I plan the day ahead, write the blog, clean the bike of bugs, shower, dress and be ready for the road. Trouble is then I have to wait for the others but I would rather wait than be late.

Today we had to be at the Red River Zipline at 4pm so we headed off at an unprecedented time of 8.30am. We had done over sixty miles before the time we normally would leave the hotel. We expected rain the whole day but it never happened until ten minutes before our new time of 1pm. We made such great time I arranged the time for the zip line to 1pm. At ten to one it poured down and we hid under the awning of a gas station and I called the zip line place to see if we could delay the start. They said if we were not there at one pm we would have to come back at original time of 4pm. We raced the last ten miles and arrived at about 1:10pm. I spoke to the manager and spun a story of traveling all this way just to run the zip. He finally relented and we were set to go. We were supposed to do the zip a few years back but it was cancelled because of lightning so here was out big chance.

There were four zip lines progressively longer and faster. It rained for the first two and the we could hear lightning all around us. They wanted to cancel the last two longer lines and let us do the two shorter ones but he weather improved and we did the final two. We did not take a camera so I have chosen some stock shots off the zip lines' website.

We had five tickets and six riders but the Deak volunteered to stay at the start for the whole hour it takes to ride all three. They say with a party of twelve it can take up to two hours with all the hooking and unhooking but we were fast

After we finished we rode to the hotel at three thirty. The earliest arrival time ever. We rode the two miles into town for an early dinner but it was welcomed considering we had no breakfast or lunch to save time. Great meal but we rode back to the hotel in pouring rain and then sat around with the guys drinking bourbon and smoking cigars. Tomorrow the weather looks good and so does the ride to home over the next three days.

Day Seven. Thursday 11th August 2022

311 miles Campton Kentucky to Clarksburg West Virginia. 

Not a lot to report. Great roads through Kentucky and Ohio but terrible once you were in West Virginia. Speeds varied from twenty five miles per hour through small towns to eighty five on main highways. Great weather all the way with storm clouds in the distance. Steve Schumer (alias the Deacon) was the lead rider on his Honda Goldwing. An amazing, powerful bike. No issues with directions and he chose some great roads away from highways. Steve planned the whole trip and everything is great including hotels and most food. We had pizza and wings at the hotel. Everyone seems tired tonight. No breakdowns or problems. Light traffic with few trucks.

Day Eight. Thursday 11th August 2022

355 miles from Clarksburg West Virginia to Mansfield, Pennsylvania. 

Heavy rain overnight caused my speedo/tacho/info dial to mist over inside and made it almost impossible to see my data such as miles to empty, time, miles covered. I was running low on gas but only had a rough idea by how much. Over the day it dried out but was a pain.

No rain but cooler that previous days. Speed limit was seventy five for most of the journey. The lead rider is in charge of planning the ride, navigating, speed and overtaking when needed, The rest of the group ride staggered and basically do nothing but keep an eye out for items on the road such as squashed animals and car parts. The last rider (me) looks out for cars merging, cars getting too close or cars trying to overtake up the right lane when we are in the left overtaking.

With six or seven riders we spread out and leave plenty of space but we get what I call the "concertina" effect. The front bike sits on a fairly constant speed but each rider can drop back and then speed up during a stretch of road. This can give a ten to fifteen miles an hour change at the rear. The front bikes sits on seventy but my bike can get to eighty or eighty five to catch up.

The weather was getting cooler. Tomorrow morning will be forty seven with a high of seventy eight. Bobby, who hates the cold, will rug up and turn on his heated seat and grips.  

Day Nine. Saturday 13th August 2022

 140 miles from Mansfield Pennsylvania to Syracuse home. 

Short haul and home by 1pm. The Buffalo boys headed off this morning.

Went through a town called Utica just south of Syracuse. Some very bad roads and hundreds of traffic lights. The Mayor's brother must have been the traffic lights' installer.


Total 2,146 miles
262 Average per day (not include 43 miler day) 8 days Riding
Longest day 311 miles
Shortest day 219 miles (not including 43 miler and last day)
12 gas (petrol) fills
47.37 gallons premium
Highest cost $5.05 per gallon
Lowest cost $4.00 per gallon
Total cost of gas$/petrol $212.20

Pre-Ride banter

Fastest gas tank filler – current champion: Dudley

Fastest to do up his seat belt – current champion: Bobby

Fastest to get admiring glances – current champion: Tug

Fastest to fall asleep in front of fire – current champion: Dilli

Fastest Honda tape applicator – current champion: Equally between Deak and Dilli

Fastest to speed dial to UKnown company: current champion and undisputed solo entrant: Bobby

Fastest telephoner to his standby mechanic – current champion: Dilli

Fastest to call a pee stop - Current champion Rage (Closely followed by Tug)

Fastest fetcher of two dozen bud lights – current champion and undisputed leader: Mike

Fastest user of the term “ish” - current champion: Bobby closely followed by Mike.

Fastest user of hand’s free - current champion Dudley


Tomorrow is someone’s birthday. It will be hard to work out who but here are a few hints:

Has worn a seat belt more times than anyone else on our trips (not counting Uber trips.)

Chose Waffle House and country kitchen eating establishments

Had more changes of new bikes then Rage has underpants

Rides less miles on three bikes combined than anyone else with one

Renowned for off road adventures (No – not Mike getting beer)

Second best mechanic (after Mary)

Stops for friends - but in the distance

Famous for use of the term "ish" at every morning departure

Loves special decorated bedrooms

Eats like a sparrow

Changes bikes before the tires wear out

Most appreciated for planning, leading and expense rationalization.

Discussion was held on who had the fasted bike. Tug wrote “On the bike issue we should race the kid on his bike and Bobby on his Ducati to see who can stop”

I'm already using depends, That way I can set up the beer cooler on the patio and don't have to move. - Rage

For a bike that looks great (particularly the white part) but will only go ten miles every second year it seems like a lot of work. Why not work on the Ducati. It does twenty miles a year.  - Tug

 And what about the old drum brakes?  Dilli ask your wife if she thinks Bobby should change them to disc? - Bobby

 To Dilli – I’m putting electronic ignition in the old Triumph and had to remove primary cover.   Gasket was baked on pretty good.  Would you please ask Mary what to use to remove old gasket?  Thanks.   = Bobby

 Met an Australian guy driving a UHaul and hauling a car from Vancouver to Novas Scotia. I gave him Bobbie's phone number for some tips seeing Bobbie is the UHaul expert. - Tug

 Maybe when I'm done I'll come wrench with you.  - Bobby    Fixing brakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tug

 Dillie - give the Deak's sister in-law a call. She can look up the internet then fix it with some Honda tape. It won't last long. Just enough to get you home. - Tug

 When I hear Australian all I hear is "blah blah blah fresh fish blah blah blah white bikes aren't gay blah blah blah Worcestershire blah blah blah sheep are sexy blah blah blah" - Mike

 On the bright side, you're still not as close to the box as Tug. - Bobby

Only 96 days to go.

1. Remember registrations

2. Inspection if applicable.

4. Annual maintenance (Dillie's wife needs prior notice )

5. Repair brakes and other recalls

6. Get written permission from wives, partners or boyfriends

7. Stock up on Honda tape now in case there is a shortage.

8. Practice on hills if you have not ridden a hill in the last twelve months.

9. Practice filling your bike with gas if you have had issues before. (Shahin will supervise the anonymous rider concerned. )

10.  Buy shorter cigars for those long haul days.

11.  Buy an alarm clock for those early starts (whom are I kidding?)

Guess whose birthday it is today, A few hints.

      1     Always carries three rolls of Honda tape in his saddle bags

      2     Is the most relaxed rider in the gang.

      3     Married to a fridge and bike mechanic

      4     Smells of fish. (Not Snapper)

      5     Falls asleep in front of fires.

      6     Works part time as Santa

      7     Has a ride-on-mower faster than his bike


About Nova Scotia

As we rode onto the reservation on a cloudless day and it was almost one hundred degrees, a young native girl appeared and she was smoking hot with a tight low cut leather dress, long black hair and holding a pair of fluffy handcuffs. She was told to look out for the handsome man who was Australian and riding the best looking bike in the group. She replied “That makes him even more sexy”

 I have been consulting my attorney for a case of cruelty, targeted foul language (even if disguised) bias towards a minority, unfair blockage from membership, forced participation with two certain second rate equipment users, excessive drinking, smoking and more to follow.

What states are we riding through to eat at Waffle House?  - Dudley 

The state of confusion, the state of disbelief, the state of ecstasy, for starters - Deak

Other questions:  is

Is Dilli's fridge still working?

Did Dudley learn to pump gas?

Did Bobby stop snoring?

Did Rage get anything else replaced?

Did Mike say “back in ten minutes”?

Did Deak learn to keep his bike up?


On the next ride we should have Bobby give a lecture on "political correctness for fun and pleasure."  Compulsory attendance by Dudly. Back up speech by Deak. Dilli will have to stay awake during it. Rage will not be able to walk out when he disagrees. The kid will have to have the bike fixed before the Lecture.   - Tug

Finally an honest observation. Thanks Mike.  This event was passed off as a "helpful incident" where the perpetrator was helping me by finding my "lost" brand new and greatly treasured phone and was going to return it in the parking lot before we left the restaurant but "forgot". We now have and honest and upstanding witness who has testified it was in fact stolen. The funny part was calling the thief and asking where he was currently located. He provided the name of a different town to the location app on my iPad. He then called me back on my own phone. Justice at last. Protect your daughters and sons (and sheep) from this heinous individual.  

I was contemplating life and I want you to tell me when the upcoming trip became a reality. Today I polished my boots and it dawned on me. It was not preparing my packing list, writing up the blog or even washing the bike. It was the boots. When did it or will it dawn on you?  

1. Ordering the new rain suit?

2. Loading the bike with Honda tape?

3.  Having Mary check tire pressure and oil level?

4. Seeing your doctor to see if you can ride?

5.  Having your wife move the lawn mower out of the way to get your bike out (because you don't know how to start it)?

6. Taking your bike down to the Cathedral to have it blessed?

I forgot three other realization triggers that we are riding. 

7. Riding down the long driveway and doubling your milage for the year. 

8.  Looking up the UHaul directory for outlets along the route 

9. Looking up Waffle House locations. 

 On Road Quotes 

"I have to slow down. I need to start drinking more hard liquor" - Dillie

"Even the old guy did the zip line" - Dillie to Mary

"Is 80 too fast" - Deak    "Not when your doing 95" - Tug

 "I need a new jacket" - Bobby (after seeing a high Vis jacket)

 "I need a pee" - Rage (often)

 "Why does everyone pick on poor Tug" - no one

"I need just one more sip" - Bobby on first night

 "Do you need to take so long" Deke at the gas stop. "Yes - I have taken so long 376 times" - Tug  "Why not just take a photo" - Deke 

"Let’s do a gas and go" - Bobby (Said twice in hundreds of gas stops)

"I need new tires, maybe I'll just get a new bike" Not said by Bobbie but is funny

"Tug you do nothing - now you can" Bobby (on me ringing the zip line for a delay)

"Rage is in charge of food and peeing, Bobby is charge of trip direction, Deke is in charge of safety and censorship. Dillie is in charge of Mary, the planner is in charge of route and hotel locations what can I do? "Ring the zip" - Bobby

 "I want to get home for the wedding - just at the right time - early enough to appear helpful but late enough to do nothing" - Bobby

 "Yes - I sank a snow mobile in the lake" - Dillie