Friday, March 22, 2019


It is the end of Winter and I'm planning rides for this Summer. Below is all the major rides over the last few years. As you can see I have covered a lot of miles and seen a lot of America.  In 2019 I hope to cover three big rides. The first is 3,285 miles around the great lakes solo. No hotels booked, no set distances and I'll wake up when I have rested, ride when I want to and rest when I need to. It will depend on road and weather conditions. Also how long it takes to cross the border into Canada and back into the USA.

Trip two is ride to Cape Cod (Near Boston) for a week with the family. I ride back home and the next day set out with my motorbike riding friends down South to Virginia and Tennessee. This will be a leisurely ride. Waking up at the crack of noon, visiting Harley dealers repairs for bikes other than my own plus long rest stops for cigars and stock price checks.