Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 15 9th August

Anamosa, Iowa to Monticello, Indiana. 342 miles now 4130 miles in total. Fairly

An exciting day or at least an exciting end to the day. The day started slow with a visit to a famous company that sells parts for motorcycles as it was right next to the hotel (well planned.) We visited a famous motorcycle museum in town.  Shawn is the one who knows everything about bikes decided he needed a shave at a barbers so he rode to town and said he would catch us up. Three barbers later and no shave Shawn turned up as we were leaving the museum.
Peter Puffin at the museum.
Windfarms as far as the eye can see

The storms building
The tornado heading in

The storm building at the windfarms
The ride was interesting but nothing very special. We were in the middle of nowhere and had been dodging storm fronts all day and there was a police man also in the middle of the road. He waved and we rode on. We found out later he was stopping cars going the other way. As we got nearer the town we heard sirens and one of the guys from our groups was listening to a radio station on his bike. As we pulled into the little town he told us a tornado was heading straight for us. We parked our bikes on the downwind side of a fairly crummy hotel for some protection. The temperature was dropping fast and the skies were getting blacker by the second. One of the piglets if the storm could tip over a bike. The answer was that if we were hit directly it would take the bikes, the hotel and us with it. Luckily the storm passed a mile or so to the side of the town  and all we received was high wind and twelve inches of rain in a few minutes.  The excitement lasted a short time with just a little hail. We were very lucky.

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